Welcome to Forte. Thanks for dropping by. Are you interested in turning your studio into a successful business. Here's a little video about Forte from Gillian Erskine and Paul Myatt who started Forte in 1994.

Imagine going to work everyday and loving what you do, making such a important contribution to children's lives. Running a success business takes time and effort and the rewards can be amazing! I've been lucky enough to have never had a job. I've worked for myself since 1985. In 1994, when we started Forte, we wanted to offer high quality, pedagogically sound courses and content where children loved learning within a business system that was able to be replicated.

We have achieved this and we continue to regularly upgrade, update and improve all our offerings from courses, teacher training, educational products and business systems.

Being part of a franchise systems means you get lots of help and advice from everyone in the system. We call Forte franchisees, our Business Partners because that is how we think of them. We are all partners in this business of music education and we all love it!

To find out more, complete in the form below to be sent a Forte Prospectus and in the mean time, meet some of our Business Partners below:

Go for a virtual walk around a Forte School of Music Joondalup.

Here's a couple of the Forte Business Partners, meeting more of them here:

See some of the amazing student performances of Budding Virtuosity, the celebration of our 20th Anniversary:

Download a Prospectus: