Are you teaching piano and/or other instruments and wondering if you can do to grow what you have into something larger?

Paul and I started out as private music teachers too. I started by teaching piano and Paul taught french horn at Brisbane Boys College whilst he studied music and played piano in David Jones Queen Street which is where we met. We both wanted more and that lead us on the pathway of learning how to teach groups, own our music schools and eventually create & establish Forte School of Music which was launched in 1994.

As founders of Forte School of Music it's been an exciting and at times challenging journey and today we consider ourselves to be so fortunate to be working with our amazing group of Forte school owners or as we call them, Forte Business Partners.

Below there are a few videos that offer you a sneak peek into the world of Forte. If you think this may be an option for you and your future, fill in the form below and you'll be able to book a compatibility call to see if we are a fit. You see, for us, what's important is to have school owners that are compatible with our group.

Warning! we may be different to what you are used to - Forte is fun, full of life, professional and most of importantly, all of us at Forte are passionate about the difference we make in others lives which I'm sure you are as well! 

If you would like to find out more complete the form and we'll send you an email outlining what it takes and a link to our appointment diary so you can book a compatibility call.


Paul Myatt & Gillian Erskine
Founders of Forte School of Music

What happens in Forte classes...