Jungle Music Special Report

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Jungle Music Course Material

Jungle Babies

Age Group:
6 months - 18 months
Lesson Duration:
30 minutes
Course Material:
CD and book

Jungle Babies has been specially designed to introduce parent and baby to the music. You will immerse your baby in a rich diversity of activities and sensory experiences each week at your lesson and can repeat these at home. There has been much research about the benefits of exposing babies and young children to music and musical activities. Jungle Babies is a wonderful time to introduce your baby to the world of sound and music in a warm, nurturing atmosphere with other parents and their babies.

Jungle Music course materials are an essential part of the Jungle Music course. They consist of CD (with full lyrics booklet) and beautifully illustrated full colour book. These materials, unique to Forte schools enhance and strengthen your child's learning. Playing the CD frequently between lessons is not only is enjoyable but also assists your baby in being more familiar with the music and in turn gaining more from lessons.

 Why is music so important to babies?

At this pre-linguistic stage your child’s hearing abilities will be developing in preparation for the job ahead of learning to talk.

This is a wonderful time in your life to enjoy your baby and have fun through music knowing that you are helping to lay down fundamental neurological frameworks for your child’s future learning.

What you’ll notice...

As your baby becomes familiar with the music he will begin to predict the end of section changes. This means your baby is digesting the music; making sense of it for himself.

Babies crave predictability - like when a baby drops the toy repeatedly and Mum always picks it up. In Jungle Babies class we lay down some of the framework and patterns of music through movement and changing the movement from verse to chorus. Babies love this predictability in change of movement from section to section. You will notice over time and familiarity with a song that he/she adjusts his/her body at the end of a section ready for the change.

 What you can’t see...

Children immersed in a rich sensory environment have a large pool of experience on which to interpret their world. This aids confidence and intelligence.

Music is built on patterns. EG 4 beats per bar, 4 bars per phrase, 8 bars per section. Active involvement with music working with them fundamental help scaffold structures in the brain on which to layer future experiences.

It is no wonder that the foundations you are laying down in Jungle Music will help with learning.