Have you had a successful career but have always harboured a secret desire to have your own business?. For most of us this can be quite daunting and a little voice inside could be cautioning but the stronger one really wants more!

When we were growing our music schools, we were every bit as anxious about whether we would be successful or not. One thing was for sure, we were determined to grow lovely healthy businesses that would bring the very best of music education to our clients as well as being financially viable. 

Forte stands alone today as the one of the most viable professional music school businesses around. Perhaps that's because our schools offer a state of the art pedagogically sound suite of courses taught in small groups as well as a broad choice of instruments in the afternoons and our award winning Jungle Music program which turns what would otherwise be dormant commercial space the mornings into a profit centre and place where we nurture our little musicians of the future.

Did I mention it's lots of fun! It's also hard work and as you know already it's rewarding.

Have a look through some of the videos below and if this excites you complete the form and we'll send you an email outlining some of the key characteristics we look for in our future Forte Business Partners and a link to our appointment diary so you can book a compatibility call to explore whether we are a fit or not.


Paul Myatt & Gillian Erskine
Founders of Forte School of Music

What happens in a Forte class...