About Us
Learning is Fun at Forte school of Music. Our multi-sensory approach is one of a kind and you child will learn music as the language that it is. Forte kids develop an amazing range of musical skills from improvising to composing, music reading and playing, theory, memorising, playing by ear, concert performance skills and more!
We have courses for all age groups from babies through to Adults. You love learning in our modern, bright, clean air conditioned studios where you'll be taught by teachers who have undergone a rigorous selection process to find just the attitude and approach. We look for energetic, enthusiastic teachers who are passionate about music and love to share this and show others the how to.
A good ear is essential for any musician as music is an 'aural art'. Traditionally many teachers frowned on the child who played by ear as they found these children were reluctant readers. The key to being a good musician is to be able to combine the two skills reading and playing by ear.
The Forte aural development program is second to none. Here is an excerpt from our business partner forum. In her comments Jane Coles, Forte Cardiff says it all.
“The sense of pitch awareness and the development of perfect pitch is outstanding in Forte pupils. It amazes me that I have taught the pupils this myself as my listening skills were very poor as a learner - aural tests were my weakness at every level from grade exams to degree level.
It is without a doubt the use of solfege which has achieved this, and their outstanding pitch abilities produce comments from other music educators that come into contact with our pupils through their schooling and/or learning a second instrument.
My own listening skills have improved beyond belief since I have been teaching solfege at Forte. I can pick up tunes easily now that I hear and can perform readily by ear. In college I was the student who struggled to play the pieces which had to be learned from memory.
I have noticed one strange thing that has happened to me of late... on Saturday I played “Oh Holy Night” using the pitch transpose feature on my piano for the singer. I have done this every two years for twelve years. This year though I was completely thrown by it and just felt completely out of sorts following the music... I think I may be developing perfect pitch!!”
Start your child off as early as possible. Our list of entry level courses is below. Each course is shaped for the needs and interests of each age group.
Our Philosophy
Imagine giving your child the gift that learning music brings. In a few short years your child can play music, compose and improvise their own music, read all kinds of print music, chord charts and play along with other musicians in a band. Your child can play by ear as well as play by reading, make up their own accompaniments to melodies. In other words your child has become a little musician.
playing piano
performing in concerts
playing by memory
reading music
playing by ear (amazing aural skills)
understanding theory
playing with chords (keyboard harmony)
improvising and composing
Learning music has other terrific life skill benefits for children including the experience of "consistent effort over an extended period of time = results". This is often missing from children lives these days with the instant gratification derived from computer games & ipads.
At Forte we foster and build in plenty of opportunities for children to gain confidence and mastery. Confidence is built one step at a time as their success is shared with others in the regular small class concerts every few weeks. There's the fun and energy of Forte Festival as well as the mastery of skills for Foundation of Music and ABRSM or AMEB exams.
Our multi sensory approach engages all learners!
Learning music at Forte is fun! Our multi-sensory approach engages all three main senses:
Traditionally music has been taught in a visual way where reading is the key. This approach makes it more difficult for auditory and kinesthetic learners.
We all take onboard information utilising our senses; visual, auditory and kinesthetic. At Forte we encompass visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning activities with each piece so each type of learner is catered for. Children often experience additional benefits from engaging in our multi-sensory classroom in that they experience a strengthening of their weaker senses. This in turn can lead to a stronger and more robust learner in other areas of education.
No wonder research shows children who learn a music do better at school! Forte has taken this to a whole new level with our multi-sensory approach. Not only does it make leaning music easier, but it makes for a better learner!
Forte Courses are built to fit the interests and needs of each age group. See the following links to find out more about each course.
Meet the founders and Directors of Forte School of Music, Gillian Erskine and Paul Myatt.