Forte Festival builds self confidence and self esteem and.... it's so much FUN!
Ahh... the thrill of performing for a live audience... The excitement in the build up. The work and extra practice to bring a piece up to scratch. The costumes, the excitement and anticipation of waiting for your performance... And the gold medallion presentation at the end. It's all part of Forte Festival.
Forte Festival is the highlight of our year. School owners and teachers invest all the extra hours necessary to provide this special and amazing opportunity because they believe the benefits this experience provide are worthwhile.
Forte Festival brings the excitement of an event both on the day and in the lead up, there's the stories sometimes funny, sometimes amazing and there's the performances. And over time, the extraordinary happens...
Our students self confidence grows and grows. From a child or adult who a few years ago was reluctant to even walk out on stage, it's so heartening to see them walk out and own a proud confident performance!
Our budding musicians perform in front of a live supportive audience of family and friends in a professional concert setting; often for the first time in their lives. Young children starting out are sometimes shy, sometimes exuberant, it's hard to predict how each child will take on board this experience and it's just all part of what Festival is about.
Not only are there musical benefits, over the years it's even more thrilling to see the non-musical benefits our students gain from Forte Festival. Life skills of goal setting, mastery of a new skills by a deadline, self discipline, self motivation, patience, desire, focus to succeed, and the feeling of satisfaction to practice and hone skills to excellence and mastery especially in reflection after the event, are what drives us to stage our Forte Festival each year.
Performing music requires similar skills to public speaking. Walking on stage, standing under hot nights, having a large group of people stare at you and go silent as they wait for our performance are all part of the mix. We are thrilled to be part of the journey providing an opportunity for our students to develop into calm, confident performers of the future be it presenting an idea, talk or concept or performing music, the skills are the same.
The increase in self confidence
With Forte festival starting from when they are little, our students become seasoned old hands and eagerly await each new Forte Festival with plans for each year's performance becoming more invigorating each year.
The class ensembles are where the fun really is. Theme dressing and being on stage with your class buddies gives comfort in numbers and it's fun to play and perform with musicians you really like.
Forte Festival is fun! Performing is fun! Festival is a fun practice goal and it brings out the star in everyone!
Seeing the look of pride on our performers faces, both young and older, as they receive their gold medallion is priceless.