Parents... What You Need to Know
/For many of us as children music lessons were something to be endured rather than enjoyed. All those tedious scales and boring pieces to practise. Well, all that can be different now. Your child can love his or her lessons and truly enjoy learning music.
To many people, the language of music is a mystery but it need not be. Forte courses are specially designed so your child will have a greater appreciation for and understanding of music.
A good teacher is vital.
While your Forte teacher will have the necessary musical skills and qualifications, teachers at Forte are specially chosen for their warmth, enthusiasm and ability to relate to children.
As your child assimilates the learning throughout the week you may hear him burst into little phrases of singing at times as he goes about his normal routine. When you play the music in the car notice the environment settle as your child listens to his Forte music. You may even catch your child doing some of the actions.
Forte curriculum places emphasis on developing (aural) listening skills, and many children will delight in sitting at the piano and begin to play songs they have heard.
“...(my child) has only been learning for 6 months but I have noticed he is able to sit and concentrate for longer periods now.”
“His behaviour has improved both at home and at preschool. His concentration is better and he’s learning to read easily. Being able to master a song improves his self esteem which, of course affects everything else.”
Music... a real confidence booster
One of the greatest gifts we can have as individuals is a good level of self confidence or self esteem. Performing for others, is one of the best ways to improve self esteem.
From the beginning your child will gain confidence by performing for his or her class mates. You'll be amazed at how even the shyest of children will gradually build their confidence in playing in front of others. From the intimate atmosphere of a Forte classroom your child will progress to a larger professional venue for our annual Forte Music Festival where all students are encouraged to perform and receive their Gold Medallion and Performers Certificate to celebrate the occasion - not to be missed!
And, you know, in a recent client survey, parents commented that through learning music at Forte they had noticed significant improvements in their child's self esteem and confidence.
“(my child) was in need of confidence with interacting with peers at preschool. It was through her music that she came to gain this. Michelle started to play simple songs like “Twinkle Twinkle” and “Magic Socks” to her class on the preschool piano. This experience of doing something she loved which the other children thought was great has helped make Michelle a very confident little girl who can make friends happily and is now ready for school next year. Thank you.”
“The depth and breadth of Michael’s Forte experience has, we believe, greatly contributed to Michael’s openness and enthusiasm towards many life experiences, including music. It’s also taught him that he can achieve things he previously thought beyond him... we often say to him “Hey, remember White Caps” when he feels a goal is beyond him.”
"Practise Makes Perfect"
Practice does indeed make perfect and in this world of instant gratification of apps and computer games it is refreshing for your child to be involved in organic activity like learning musical activity. Practice is Fun at Forte. Music practice can be fun - what a big statement! But how can this be??
Your child will have:
recordings to play along with at home,
weekly home activity sheets and
practise incentives programmes run by your school make practice sessions less laborious than they need to be.
Little incentives for attending lessons and practising go a long way. Stickers, stamps and rewards are all part of the mix at Forte.
Ask any musician... being able to play music is one of the great joys in life. It is best to start learning music from a young age but if you haven't had that opportunity there's no time like the present!
It is a widely researched fact that learning music from a young age improves learning ability in general and will lead to music becoming an integral part of life for your child and your family. At Forte, we have special early childhood classes for babies as young as 6 months through to toddlers.
Your child can start on their first instrumental lessons (piano) in our Music is Fun course from around 3 to 4 years of age.