My name is Gillian Erskine and together with Paul Myatt we kicked off what was to become an amazing journey together building an international business, writing a range of best selling music books, discovering talents in a whole range of things we never thought we would know about and see us become the best of friends - the family joke being that Paul is “my other husband!”.
What has always united us is our quest to make teaching and learning music fun and help others start and grow successful music school businesses that they absolutely love.
We love working with entrepreneurial, success orientated people. We share their grit and determination to get the job done. What a joy it is to help them colleagues into a business that gives them joy and feels good.
In the beginning, what attracted both Gillian Erskine and Paul Myatt to teaching music and later into developing Forte, was the contribution that music makes in children's general education and development. We believe that in addition to benefits of academic success, children gain pleasure and self esteem from the sheer joy of being able to play music.
Whilst not meeting until 1989, both Gillian and Paul independently came to feel the same way about traditional teaching methods.. "there just had to be a better way..."
Forte launched in January 1994 in several locations in Brisbane, Australia. The Forte teaching materials were revolutionary back then and they continue to be today. One of the most innovative features of Forte music lessons was the inclusion of whole body activities into each lesson. This multi-sensory approach enabled children to be engaged in the music on many different levels, making learning music easier and much more fun compared to traditional learning strategies.
Over the years, Gillian and Paul created systems and manuals for training teachers. Forte teachers received comprehensive training in not only the course material but also delivery of the unique Forte teaching methodology. In this way Gillian and Paul have been able to consistently deliver and replicate the Forte concept throughout Australia and overseas.
Ongoing curriculum development ensures the Forte course material and music education style continues to remains fresh and dynamic.
For many years now Forte students have been developing more than just a love of music – they have developed as skilled musicians and of course wonderful people! Gillian and Paul are understandably proud of all of their Forte students, and look forward to assisting many more children to learn and love music!
Forte Conference is the one time of the year we get together in the same place and share ideas, expertise and recharge, re-energise and re-connect to our vision for the year ahead. Click on the images below to read more about the achievements shared at our recent Conferences.