Why Forte?
Hear what lead others to Forte…
Ex-Coca Cola Marketing Executive,
David explains what lead him to Forte
Conservatorium Graduate,
Kia shares her experience of Forte
With an MBA and much corporate experience,
Nunzio explains what lead him to Forte
Singer & Performer,
Angel share her experience of joining Forte
You are part of something amazing
You will love to walk into your bright happy, professional business that you know brings so much to everyone's lives.
You can feel good about your wonderful business, what it does and what it brings to people's lives.
You will be proud of our quality music programs.
You will love the quality of our Jungle Music resources kit where great care was taken to chose each item for it's quality of sound, look and feel. And for this age group it needs to be robust and safe!
Forte is an established franchise system with a proven track record. Launched in Australia in 1994, our business now extends to UK & New Zealand. Forte School of Music is a proud member of the Australians Music Association and the NAMM (North American Association of Musical Merchants).
You'll feel very much part of our group of business partners which is what you'll be. We refer to our franchisees as business partners as we are all stakeholders in the Fore business each of us with our vital role. We're with you in the early stages which kicks off with School Operations training and moves to regular video conferences through to opening.

You'll tap into the collective support of our group through conferences. We have regular online seminars where ideas experience and best practice are shared. You will be a member of our private online business partners community where we share our journey day to day and our business partners support each other. And each year you'll be at Forte Conference where you'll spend 3 days immersed in growing your business.
Forte business partners have access to a smorgazboard of teacher support materials, from our training programs and successful teacher recruitment and selection procedures through to our online teacher resource bank of lesson plans, student retention programs, digital classroom aids and a whole lot more...
You will have a mix of income streams from the daytime Jungle Music and early childhood classes, the Junior Keys and Piano keys classes after school as well as private lessons on a variety of instruments as you become the centre of music education in your community.
Extensive marketing training. In this every changing world we keep track on what our target market want and modify and adjust as we go along. We will train you in our marketing programs, work with you during training to set up your marketing plan. Then it's over to you to go do and keep doing!